CPC31120- Certificate III in Steel Fixing
This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in the area of steelfixing in the building and construction industry.
Occupational titles include steelfixer.
The qualification includes units of competency that cover common skills and knowledge for the building and construction industry, as well as those that are more specific to steelfixing work.


From $7,700

1-12 months

Funding Available
IPS Payment Plans
Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ)
User Choice Program

Industry Jobs

Earning Potential
Certificate III in Steel Fixing
At IPS Institute we provide you with the right practical skills for this entry-level course to kick start your career in becoming a steel fixer. The course will give you the skills to handle steelfixing materials, how to use steelfixing tools and equipment, as well as the oxy-LPG equipment, place and fix reinforcement steel into position in formwork, plan and organise project work, measure and calculate, plus read and interpret plans and specifications.
Course Information
Individuals undertaking this qualification as a self-paced learning may take 1-12 months.
Individuals undertaking this qualification as a traineeship may take 6-51 months.
Delivery Method
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
RPL available (partial and full)
Entry Requirements
Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) level 3
White card
Packaging Rules
Total number of units = 17
(Units are selected to best suit specializations and accommodate deliverables. If tailored units are required please visit training.gov.au and contact us today).
14 core units, plus
3 elective units
Units of Competency
Core units:
CPCCCM2006 Apply basic levelling procedures
CPCCOM1012 Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry
CPCCOM1013 Plan and organise work
CPCCOM1014 Conduct workplace communication
CPCCOM1015 Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCOM2001 Read and interpret plans and specifications
CPCCSF2001 Handle steel fixing materials
CPCCSF2002 Use steel fixing tools and equipment
CPCCSF2003 Cut and bend materials using oxy-LPG equipment
CPCCSF2004 Place and fix reinforcement materials
CPCCSF2005 Arc weld reinforcement steel
CPCCSF2006 Machine-cut reinforcement materials
CPCCSF3001 Apply reinforcement schedule
CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
Elective units:
CPCCSF3002 Carry out monostrand post-tensioning
CPCCSF3003 Carry out multistrand post-tensioning
RIIRIS301E Apply risk management processes
Funding Available
IPS Payment Plans (Monthly Plans, Upfront Costs, Quarterly Fees)
Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ)
User Choice Program
More Information
This is a licensed occupation. Users should check requirements with their relevant licensing authority.
Completion of the general construction induction training program, specified in the Safe Work Australia model Code of Practice: Construction Work, is required by anyone carrying out construction work. Achievement of CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry meets this requirement.