You may have heard about RPL or recognition of prior learning, but didn’t really understand what it means. What it actually means is we take into account all of your work and life experiences that you’ve ever had. And we can actually map that to the qualification you may be enrolled in so that we can give you recognition for that experience and that work that you’ve done previously.

Therefore you don’t have to repeat certain units of competency or certain areas and parts of the study in the qualification because we can actually acknowledge your expertise in that area provided.

And this is a big thing provided you can prove that you have that experience and that life experience behind you. And there’s a whole various series of ways we can prove things.

We can prove things through testimonials from previous employers. We can prove things from the course, other courses you may have done. You might have testaments, certificates, which you may have done previously. We can use that entire sort of information.

Plus by you answering a few questions to prove that you have that underpinning knowledge. It’s, not an easy, simple, straightforward, quick process, but it is a lot quicker than actually having to do all of the studies from scratch.

It’s a lot better than you can actually do this however it’s not a tick and flick. We actually do make sure that you do have those skills, knowledge, and experience behind you before we can actually grant it. However it’s actually there and if you’ve got a lot of that and a lot of evidence to support that you can actually RPL a full qualification, which is awesome because that can fast track your career to get your qualification in your hand as soon as possible. And this can advance your career even more so that you can learn more and earn more.

What is RPL?

Basically, RPL is an assessment only process that involves recognising a person’s evidence of relevant *prior learning, knowledge, work experience, and skills in a related field to the enrolled qualification.

Undertaking this assessment can significantly minimise the study component of the qualification you are undertaking and shorten the amount of time needed to complete it.

It provides advanced standing – recognition for certain units of competency. You may RPL part of the qualification, or all of it.

*Prior learning includes – formal and informal learning.

  • Formal learning includes the completion or partial completion of recognised Certificates, Diplomas and/or Degrees.
  • Informal learning includes any learning that isn’t linked to formal qualifications mentioned above, for example, work-based training programs, on-the-job skills, work experience, volunteer work, community work, conferences, seminars, etc.

What are the benefits of RPL for You?

RPL makes it possible for a person who may not have had the opportunity to do a formal study to achieve formal qualifications and enables them to progress faster in their chosen field.

RPL eliminates unnecessary repetition and duplication of material already familiar to the person. Therefore, it shortens the time necessary to earn a formal qualification and directs your focus onto things not known, rather than waste time on things already known.

This motivates a person who might otherwise be discouraged by the length of time required to complete a qualification.

RPL fast tracks a person through the skills recognition process reduces the amount of study time, and the assessment helps identify the ‘skills gaps’ allowing for more focused training.

How do you get recognition of prior learning?

IPS Institute can assess your previous learning, and issue Statements of Attainment for those units of competency granted through RPL. This will provide you with advanced standing towards your chosen qualification.

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